Holiday Movie Favorites from ApogeeInvent\'s Staff

by Ben Johnson - Posted 15 years ago

Staff at the Business Development Office in Portland, Oregon would like to share their favorite Holiday movies with you. Some of the choices are untraditional, but they never fail to put us in the spirit. Share your favorite flick and we'll send you some virtual Holiday good cheer!

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
The only Griswold Family movie that occurs within the suburbs of Chicago, this classic showcases the occasionally inept Clark as he strives to make this Christmas for his family one of the best ever. But he couldn't plan for faulty light wiring, Cousin Eddy, a late Christmas Bonus, and a family of kooks.
Favorite Quote - "We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny ****** Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white !!! down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch *%$!!!! this side of the nuthouse." 
Pick by Chris Sullivan, AI Social Media Specialist

Bad Santa
bad santa

A mall Santa with a bad tempered assistant elf who don't spread cheer all year long - they just plot how to steal from their employers! **Spoiler** This grumpy Santa learns the true meaning of Christmas from a sweet young boy who truly believes.
Favorite Quote - "I don't want any ******* sandwiches!" 
Pick by Emily Standen, AI Social Media Specialist

Alien Legacy
So... the film doesn't feature a lot of cheer, but it's still a holiday favorite for one ApogeeInvent Staffer. A mining ship, investigating a suspected SOS, lands on a distant planet. The crew discovers some strange creatures and investigates.
Favorite Quote - "This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off."
Pick by Megan Hutchison, AI Designer

White Christmas
White xmas
This classic is one of the oldest picks on our list, but it has stood the test of time. The film features Rosemary Clooney, Bing Crosby, and Danny Kaye among others in this singing/dancing Holiday spectacular.
Favorite Quote - "Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister, and Lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man!"
Pick by Emmy Harding, eWorld Media Liason

Home Alone
Home Alone

8-year-old Kevin McAllister thinks all his dreams have come true the Christmas he's accidentally left home alone. But when "The Wet Bandits" target his house for a Christmas robbery, he decides to fight back in one of the best sequences of burgular maiming ever!
Favorite Quote - Kevin McAllister "Do you guys give up? Or are you thirsty for more?"
Pick by Jennifer Louie, AI Coder

Die Hard, Jingle All the Way, Gremlins

Wizard of Oz
Another pick some might call untraditional, this year round favorite is about leaving your dull life behind and believing in a magical place that can change your life. Kind of like how the holidays transform your outlook? 
Favorite Quote - "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
Submitted by Rebecca Kasner, AI Web Designer

A Christmas Story
leg lamp

The most popular pick from three! AI staffers, this Christmas Story harkens back to a simpler time, where kids got their mouths washed out with Life Buoy soap for cursing, BB Guns were the baddest toy that guaranteed "You'll shoot your eye out!" and a chorus of Fa-Rah-Rah-Rah-Rahs for Christmas Dinner.
Favorite Quote(s)Ralphie as an Adult: "In the heat of battle my father wove a tapestry of obscenities that as far as we know is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan." 
Pick by Casey Yarborough, AI SVP of Communications

Miss Shelds: [reading Ralphie's theme in his fantasy, she clutches his essay to her chest] "Oh! The theme I've been waiting for all my life. Listen to this sentence: "A Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time". Poetry. Sheer poetry, Ralph! An A+! " 
Pick by Dee Bowers, AI Lead Designer

"The Old Man: [unveiling his major award] Would you look at that? Would you look at THAT? 
Mother: What is it? 
The Old Man: It's a leg! 
Mother: But what is it? 
The Old Man: Well, it's... A leg, you know, like a statue. 
Mother: Statue?" 
Pick by Noah Carbone, AI Designer

One Staffer couldn't make up her mind as to what her favorite holiday film was so for Samantha Greene, AI Executive Assistant, we're featuring a three way tie.

Favorite Line-
Grandfather: "Don't ever get him wet. Keep him away from bright light. And the most important thing, the one thing you must never forget: no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs . . . never, never feed him after midnight."

Jingle All the Way
jingle all the way
Favorite Line-
Mall Santa: "We're not just doing this for us. We're doing it for the kids. For every kid who ever sat on Santa's lap. For every little girl who left cookies and milk for Santa on Christmas night. For every little boy who opens a package Christmas morning and finds clothes instead of toys. It breaks my heart. "

Die Hard
Die Hard
Favorite Line-
Theo: "All right, listen up guys. 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except... the four ******** coming in the rear in standard two-by-two cover formation."

The always amazing Bill Murray stars in a remake of A Christmas Carol. Bill Murray plays a sleezy TV executive whose lost his spirit, but gets a second chance after being put through hell during visits from three ghosts.
Favorite Line - 
Props man: "I can't get the antlers glued to this little guy. We tried Crazy Glue, but it don't work. 
Frank Cross: Did you try staples?"
Pick by Libby Spencer, ePR director

Thanks for reading, here is our list of honorable mentions - 

peanuts A Peanuts Christmas

muppet A Muppet Christmas Carol

elf Elf

grinch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (Cartoon)


trading Trading Places

mixedMixed Nuts

nightmare Nightmare before Christmas

peeweePeeWee's Christmas Special

santaSanta Claus Conquers the Martians

ernestEnest Saves Christmas

Happy Holidays!