Looking Forward to 2010

by Ben Johnson - Posted 15 years ago

As the year draws to a close we at ApogeeInvent would like to thank our partners and clients who have made the year a success. From web design to software and web development we've welcomed the challenges and opportunities 2009 has presented our company.

Through our growth we've had the opportunity to pursue new avenues of affiliate publicity based on strategy, results and finance. At ApogeeInvent we currently focus on article marketing and forum marketing. We're always looking to connect with other affiliate networks and programs, but find we gain quite a lot of traction from our participation in these mediums. 2009 also presented us with the opportunity to expand into viral marketing, through our social media participation and web videos we've been able to stay on the forefront of affiliate publicity.

The affiliate advertising industry is dealing with changes in the makeup of the internet users. A recent Nielsen report shows that numbers of seniors who use the internet are continuing to grow, creating opportunities for development in usability and application development. For the majority of seniors ease of search is a top priority in how they spend their time on the web. At ApogeeInvent, we are always looking ahead to utilize search engine optimization for all demographics. Check out our fully SEO sites for more information.

As social media continues to dominate the way people spend time online, we have launched a full integration into using these web portals for our business model. From tweets on #FollowFriday to increasing our networks on LinkedIn and other social networking sites we're keeping up with advertisers who are also moving to the web. Estimated online advertising spending on the top social network and blogging sites increased 119 percent, from approximately $49 million in August 2008 to approximately $108 million in August 2009.

 Consumer spending has been changing since 2008 and the forecast for 2010 isn't drastically different. Around 19% of Americans report having saved and wanting to save more money, the first such increase in a decade. Businesses more than ever need new ways to reach consumers and our expanded product lines offer ways to appeal to these thrifty shoppers.

At ApogeeInvent value has always remained a top priority as we take an active role in innovation and ad spending. For more on opportunities to expand your brand and reach picky consumers check out our identity packages to ensure a strong brand identity for your company.


Have a Happy 2010!