2013 Website Resolutions

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 12 years ago

2013 New Year's Resolutions for Website Owners

Making New Year's Resolutions

Do you make yearly resolutions – Eat healthier, exercise more, try new things, be nicer to your coworkers?  If you own or manage a website, here are several resolutions that should be part of your 2013 list.

2013 Website Resolutions
1.  Blog more. Websites that have an active blog get more traffic and make more sales.  It seems like an affordable and obvious way to improve the performance of your website, but there are many businesses that aren’t taking advantage of this marketing technique. Just a simple blog post every other week could build traffic, and increase the ROI of your website.  Be sure to follow these 7 simple blog tips to make the most of your blogging time. 

2.  Get more MOBILE. This is the year that experts predict mobile internet use will surpass internet access from computers. This is already true for India. Make sure your website is accessible to mobile web users, displays properly on mobile devices of varying sizes, and optimize it for mobile searches.  How can you do this? Download our whitepaper How to Get Mobile Friendly to find out the best ways to make sure your website is ready for the mobile revolution of 2013. 

3.  Get connected through social media.  Fad or not, social media is still huge. Almost every single 18 – 24 year-old in the US uses social media, and usage is increasing in all other age ranges. It is very likely that your audience is using social media, so shouldn’t you be active there too?  Pick the top social networks that fit your business and start connecting.  Then make sure your website is connected too, through widgets or icons, so people can more easily make the connections.  2013 is going to be all about connecting, so if you haven’t already, get started! 

4.  Update your website design.  As the web standards change, so should your design.  Even a beautiful design from a year or two ago will quickly become outdated, and might even include errors, as the Internet evolves at an incredible pace. From new search algorithms to new browser versions, the way information is displayed on the web is constantly changing.  Be sure you have a website that is searchable and attractive in 2013.

5.  Use your analytics.  From bounce rate to referrals sites, its important to know some key things: 1) where your visitors are coming from; 2) What they are doing on your site, and; 3) when and why they are leaving.  You can gain some insight into these factors by reviewing your analytics and using them to update your website accordingly. Use these simple analytic tips to make the most of your website analytics. 

Make the most of your website in 2013 by resolving to become more active and more connected than ever.  Make your website one of your biggest marketing assets!

What resolutions have you made for 2013?  Share them in the comments below!