3 Digital Marketing Terms to know in 2015

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 10 years ago

Digital Marketing Terms 2015

Are you ready for digital marketing in 2015?

Digital marketing trends for 2015 predicted by eMarketer include increased mobile internet use, more automated digital marketing, and a continued focus on data. Below are three terms you should become familiar with to be ready for the future of marketing.

Responsive Design: 

Responsive design is a web design technique that uses markup to instruct the website to display differently based on the screen size of the device accessing the website. Basically, it allows the website to automatically adjust for screen size and device speed.

You should already have heard this term- its been thrown around for a few years now. We first began encouraging our clients to use Responsive Design in 2012. Why is it so important? We’ve already seen mobile use surpass desktop access of the Internet in May 2014. The shift towards mobile Internet use means having a website designed for mobile devices is crucial. Google recommend Responsive Design as the best way to display your website across multiple devices. And since Google is by far the top used search engine, it pays to listen to their recommendations.

Programmatic Advertising: 

“Programmatic” ad buying typically refers to the use of software to purchase digital advertising, as opposed to the traditional process that involves RFPs, human negotiations and manual insertion orders. It’s using machines to buy ads, basically.

If you use Google Adwords or a Facebook sponsored ad, you’ve undoubtedly used programmatic ad buying. You can automatically bid on ads, key terms, and set parameters for your audience, all actions that were formerly done manually.

Programmatic Advertising or ad buying simplifies the digital advertising process so advertisers can spend more time crafting their campaigns. And automatic bids are no less valuable than bids made manually. Advertisers are concerned that programmatic buying will only provide access to low quality, or “remnant” inventory, but this is simply not the case. Expect to see programmatic buying become de rigueur for most digital marketing mediums in 2015.

Internet of Things (IoT): 

The Internet of things refers to the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure. Every device or appliance or individual that can connect to the Internet has a unique label, allowing the actions of that particular device or person to be tracked and monitored. 

Scary? Yes. Illegal? No. Useful to you? Possibly. 

This same concept that can get you fired from your job or ruin your credit can also provide a way for companies to aggregate a multitude of data about people and their behavior, and share it with you so you can better target your audience. It can be useful in other ways. Can you unlock your car or turn off a faucet with your phone? that is a perfect example of IoT. Expect to see the conversation about the legality of the Internet of things, as well as its usefulness, to increase in 2015 with trends like wearables.

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