How to use Remarketing to Grow your Brand

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 10 years ago

We've often asked ourselves the following question:

Should I use remarketing? 

After doing a little research, I encouraged our marketing team to give it a try.


Let me explain.

What is remarketing?

Remarketing is a feature that lets you reach people who have previously visited your site, and show them relevant ads across the web. You've probably looked something up or visited a website, and then noticed ads for the same product or company at other times when you've been browsing online.

How remarketing works

How does remarketing work?

You (or your website manager) places a tracking code in your website which will then track the people who visit your website.

Google Ads will then show your ads to your previous website visitors as they search the web.

You can choose more advanced options, like when to show your ads or what kind of ad to show them based on their activity on your website. 

What is the benefit of remarketing?

Users have found remarketing is more affordable, with a 25% lower cost per conversion rate than search campaigns. 

Remarketing can:

  • Build brand awareness by reminding website visitors of your company even after they've left your website.
  • Sell a product or service by showing your potential customers a special deal on that product after they've left your website.

Some remarketing tips:

1) Be cautious of the FREQUENCY of your ad display.

If your website visitors see too many of your ads while they search, it might be annoying. One user found that a frequency of 8 or more significantly decreased the click-through-rate (although the conversion rate still remained high). You can cap the frequency.

2) Don't have your lists overlap.

If you use multiple remarketing campaigns with lists that overlap, you could be double-serving your audience, which would be very annoying for them. And detrimental to your campaign. Keep an eye on your conversion and click-through rates if you are doing multiple remarketing campaigns.

3) You don't need to use search campaigns to take advantage of remarketing. 

You can choose to do ONLY remarketing (although search campaigns can bring in more visitors. Read more about basic Pay Per Click or paid advertising to learn how.)

4) There are other options for remarketing if you cannot or choose not to use Google Adwords. 

AdRoll is one example of a non-Google option. Google Adwords has the broadest audience, but bigger isn't always better. Other options include Facebook, Bing, and other paid advertising platforms.

Have you tried remarketing? Ask your questions or share your stories in the comments below.