5 Simple and Free Ways to Improve SEO Instantly

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 7 years ago

MLMs: Improve Search Engine Ranking

Hey Network Marketers, want to improve your ranking in search results? Need more people to find your website?

Try these quick and easy ways to improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) instantly!

1  Choose the right header content.

On your website and your blogs, the headers or titles are crucial to help people find what they’re looking for. Google's latest algorithms focus on semantics, or the meaning behind people's searches and how well content is going to match up with what they are looking for. 

Search is driven more and more by mobile voice searches, which aren't just keywords anymore, but questions or phrases. "How can I improve my SEO?" "What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?" are a few examples of the types of searches. Your content needs to not only be well-written, it also needs to be answering questions posed by your target audience.

First: Find out what people are looking for. 

Take a few extra minutes to do your research before creating website text or blog content. Here are some free tools that can help:

Free Keyword Tools: 

Second: Put those words or phrases in your headers and blog titles.

Write really awesome header and title content by combining your key terms with power words guaranteed to increase conversions.

Here's a little help choosing the best power words.

2 Check your load times.

Websites that load too slow are penalized by Google in search results, particularly on mobile devices. One of the easiest things you can do is check the load time of your website and talk to your website manager about ways to optimize it.

A few suggestions: Having an updated design will remove older elements that might be slowing down load time. Social widgets or other plugins will also slow down your load speed, so use those with caution.

Try Google’s speed test with recommendations to optimize. I just checked titanmlm.com and found it is loading a little slow, so I am messaging my web management team right now with results.

Improve Search Optimization for MLMs

3 Check your meta data

We’ve come a long way from the days of keyword loading and search algorithms that rely heavily on meta data. However, meta data still has an important role to play.

What does meta data do? It tells the search engine bots what your page is about and what to scan (or skip). You can also use this data, which is embedded in the code of your site and not visible to web users, to determine how your website will display in search results. 

Take a look at the tab of your browser and you might see the beginning of our meta data header tag "Custom Software Development", because we do a lot of that for our clients! When people are searching for a custom software development company, we want to be sure they are finding us.

Another important role of meta data? It might become the content preview available when your content is shared around the web on social sites or by email.

Meta data is available in the settings of many website services, or ask your web manager to provide you with the Title and Description data so you can make sure it accurately reflects your business offering. 

Make sure to include keywords that you’ve checked using the Keyword Tools mentioned above. Be truthful about the content of your site to avoid being flagged.

Improve Search Optimization for MLMs

4  Keep creating content.

Whether you’re best at quick videos, blogs, images or infographics, the more content you can create, the better your organic ranking will be.

Not only does Google hint at ranking newer content better than older content, but websites with more pages rank higher, get more shares, and more views than websites with fewer pages.

No brain busters here. If you blog, you’ll bring more traffic to your website. Post more on social media, you’ll get more attention and more traffic back to your website.

Want to take content marketing to the next level? Find some cross marketing partners in your industry that are willing to exchange guest blogs with you to get even more traffic and some great backlinks, both which can be huge boosts to SEO.

Improve Search Optimization Instantly

5  Do a little “sucking up” to the search engines.

We all love it when people are using our products or services. Search engines are no different. 

Want to get better rankings on your videos? Post them on YouTube (which Google acquired a few year ago) and see them pushed towards the top of the page. 

Want more exposure on your blogs posts? Don’t forget to share them on Google+ and get even better rankings, particularly for people who are connected with your business.

Create business pages that link to your website and verify them. Google My Business pages are the ones that rank top in local search results, so take control of your page, add details, post articles, and verify the backlinks to your website.

Improve SEO Example

I'm focusing on Google in my examples here because it accounts for 75% of searches, but that doesn't mean you should forget about other places that people are searching. This includes social media sites, which are like search engines themselves, as well as Bing, Baidu, and other lesser-used search engines. For example, Bing Places is another great way to control how your business appears in search results.

Keep working on your search engine optimization; don't just set it and forget it!

Internet trends change faster than most people change their toothbrush. Don't forget to keep your website software up-to-date, both in design and functionality.

If you need a little help or just want to chat with a professional, we're always excited to hear from you. Ask your questions in the comments below or contact us now.