Weekly Tech News for Businesses: May 14 Edition

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 5 years ago

What’s new in the technology and digital marketing industry for this week? I’m talking the latest news and why it matters to businesses like yours.


Is Space the final frontier… for the Internet?

Amazon joins SpaceX and Facebook in the latest space race, planning to launch thousands of satellites – a “Constellation”, to bring better Internet to billions who currently are not connected and offer space-based Internet services.

The benefits for us are yet to be determined, but “space-based Internet” sure sounds more exciting, doesn’t it?

And while we’re talking about better streaming...

Spotify numbers soar, reaching 100 million paid streaming users

What is the takeaway? 
1) People are sick of seeing (or hearing) ads. And they’re willing to pay to avoid them. Authentic connections are crucial. 

2) Digital products with recurring revenues are more popular than ever. Find a way to profit from digital downloads or the recurring revenue model, even if you just leverage it to get more leads or subscribers.

Everyone wants a bigger piece of the ecommerce market, including California.

Do you sell online in California?


But don’t start getting too worried yet about changing the ecommerce settings on your website. The law only applies to companies earning over $100k in sales in California, or $500k through Amazon or eBay.

Let’s talk about social media.

We knew it was coming, but now it is official: Instagram is testing posts with no likes in Canada.

This might lead to healthier interactions between users as content quality will matter more and popularity will matter less. But could this mean a shift in the power of Influencer Marketing on Instagram?

Seems like this is the week for big social media changes.

Facebook fights it’s bad publicity with a facelift. 

The new website sports a slightly different look that will also emphasize visual content and groups more than the traditional news feed.

The UK has proposed legislation recently to hold executives of companies like Facebook responsible for harmful content. The website changes are one way Facebook is combating negative publicity and threats of legal troubles.

What could that mean for business? Most businesses saw little news feed action anyway, so they may be a good time to start a group connected to your business, and focus heavily on visual content like videos.  

And talking about tech companies…
We believe in commitment to our jobs, and have been known to burn the midnight oil when our clients need us, but a consistent 9 to 9 work day, six days a week seems a little extreme for tech employees. And it sounds like many workers in China agree, pushing back against the “996” work culture that has been the norm. Will this make the competition a little less fierce?

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