Ad:Tech San Francisco 2013

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 11 years ago

Ad:Tech San Francisco : What to Bring

As I packed for Ad:Tech San Francisco, I went through my mental checklist of the most important things to bring to a conference. Here are what I consider the most important things:

My Phone.  This is a central hub for my work on the road, with mobile being an easy way to access the web.   I can check my email and stay in touch with my coworkers. I can take photos and post updates to my business social media sites - networking on social media at events can help other attendees better remember me, and also be a great way to use social media to garner more excitement.  It may also result in making a connection with other attendees that are fans or connections that I might not have met otherwise.

Business Cards. Handing out business cards is a little like emailing to a lead list – the most you send out, the better chance you have of getting a response. Having a simple, professionally designed card is a great way to send people home with a reminder of you and your business.

Marketing Materials.  I like simple product cards that can be tucked into a folder or bag and give an overview of what ApogeeINVENT’s main products are all about. Like handing out business cards, handing out these product summaries is a great way to remind those you meet of what your business does and are more likely to garner a response. I like to include a special promotion on these cards.  This will help in two ways. 1) I can see who uses the promotion code, and be able to better track the response to my networking efforts. 2) It is an encouragement to use my businesses' awesome services.

The right clothes. We like to talk a lot here about how first impressions (of a website) are crucial to web success.  In the same way, people are going to form a first impression when meeting you at a conference based on how you are dressed.  Dress for success (and a good first impression!).

What are some of the things you always bring to a conference or event? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

 Posted by ApogeeINVENT President Dwight Calwhite.  
Connect with him: Google+ / Twitter