Know Your Audience

by Ben Johnson - Posted 12 years ago

Get to know your audience before creating your internet marketing campaign.

To have a successful Internet Marketing campaign, one of the most important things is to make sure it speaks to your audience.  How can you do that? First of all, get familiar with your audience.

What you can do to effectively target your audience:

1. Know who they are.  

Are you marketing to teenagers? How about business executives? How you appeal to these two demographics is going to be very different.  Being able to accurately describe your audience is the first and most important step in designing an Internet marketing campaign.

2. Learn the habits of your demographic

Once you identify who your audience is, you should learn more about them.  Let's say you are marketing to lawyers. What is the average age for a lawyer? What about gender or ethnicity? Knowing the demographics of your audience is important to how you will market to them.

3. Find out what appeals to your audience and demographic.  

Using the lawyer example from above, if you are selling an eBook to an audience of lawyers, knowing that more lawyers are male and ages 30-40 is going to play an important role is designing your marketing. You will need a landing page to sell the eBook, and picking professional yet masculine colors will be important.  Also, consider the wording of your campaign.  As one of our clients stated in a design review of his landing page for an eBook for lawyers: "Let's get rid of all the exclamation points.  We're selling to lawyers, not teenage girls." Well said.

4. Where is your audience? 

You need to know where your audience is spending time on the Internet. Should you create an email marketing campaign? Not if you're primary audience is ages 18-24. 98% of 18-24 year-olds are on Social Media sites, but email usage in the same age group has dropped by 34% in the past year. A well-planned social media campaign would then be the better choice.

Once you have properly identified these key components that define your target audience, you can craft a more effective internet marketing campaign. Be where they are, use the mediums that will appeal most to them, and you will be on the right track!

 Lindsey Winsemius is the Vice President of Communications for ApogeeINVENT, and is the social media voice and blogger for the company. She's also a book editor, voracious reader, and supermom.  Follow her on Twitter or connect with her on Google+

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